12:00 - 17:00, 6th June 2011
Inspace, University of Edinburgh
A half day of talks and presentations exploring the synergies across the CIRCLE research group: Creative Interdisciplinary Research in Collaborative Environments. With 38 members and associates, the CIRCLE research group encompasses many disciplines across the arts and sciences. The event intends to provide insight into the activities of CIRCLE members through four thematic sessions: Activity, Forms, Gaze and Within. Participants have been invited to Ogravitate¹ toward a theme and contribute to the organisation of each timed slot.
Each 45 minute session will consist of a synthesis of theoretical explorations and practical work. Everyone is invited to the event and given the broad and deep expertise of CIRCLE group members the afternoon promises to be a lively and insightful event. Consisting of papers, demonstrations and other presentations the event will reflect upon over four years of inquiry into Creative Interdisciplinary Research in Collaborative Environments.
CIRCLE's members are researchers and creative practitioners at Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh and elsewhere. They work across the visual and performing arts, architecture, the humanities, the physical and social sciences. Their research focuses on developing collaborative creative environments employing methods from across diverse disciplines. Their aim is to develop effective and affecting interactive environments within a critical framework seeking the insights that interdisciplinary inquiry might allow.
This is a free event but it would help if you could indicate your wish to
attend: http://peariameter.eventbrite.
1 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB
Simon Biggs
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