Saturday, 21 May 2011

Critical and Creative Thought Module

One action point from the May TD Group Meeting was to provide a ‘landscape’
of the discussions shaping the module Critical and Creative Thought.

The template was discussed verbally , then on a hosted a Google Doc
allowing the Group to view & request edit. The end-points  of previous meeting minutes and email discussions. We believe that this  represents a more or less consensus view and is close to encapsulating the  discussions and tendencies of the group so far.

If you have any comments or thoughts, please feel free to send these to
Sam Bamkin <>  for both incorporation into the landscape and discussion  by the group. Do not hesitate to do so. We also welcome new Group members  from those committed to developing this module with the caveat that we do so
without any promise of success. The path to completion is beset with  adversity.

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