Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Thu 16 Feb 12.00pm Lunchtime Talk: Ethnography in Action! Investigating the Supermarket Experience of Elderly Consumers

Ethnography in Action! 
Investigating the Supermarket Experience of
Elderly Consumers.

Speaker: Dr Eujin Pei, Department of Product & Furniture Design
Session: Thursday 16 Feb 12:00-12:30pm at the TDC

Older consumers now comprise a large part of the population and groceries make up a major proportion of their shopping expenditure. As senior citizens become healthier and wealthier, there is a tendency for them to shop more frequently. As such, they are now perceived to be an important market segment for food retailers.

Previous research has mainly focused in North America or other parts of Europe; and studies in the United Kingdom have been minimal. In addition, past research has been undertaken mainly through questionnaires or surveys that largely rely on the memory of participants. As a result, they may have failed to obtain a true account of the real problems faced by elderly shoppers.

The research proposes the use of direct ethnography and the use of focus groups for more reliable data collection.

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