Thursday, 24 November 2011


A new five year study into the Transdisciplinary process:

The Entanglement of Arts and Sciences
On the Transaction Costs of Transdisciplinary Research Settings 

Since the 1970s, there has been a growing interest in the collaboration between artists and scientists, which has been fostered by the field of art and technology (see e.g. Harris 1999; Wilson 2003). One of the pioneer journals dedicated to this field is ‘Leonardo’ (MIT Press), which still today encourages a discourse between practitioners in art, science and technology. Programs such as Artist in Labs have been founded to bring artists and scientific laboratories together, in order to artistically reflect on the implications of scientific research on society, as well as to make artistic innovation potential useable for the generating of scientific knowledge. [3]  Likewise, publications that examine the relation between scientific research processes and artistic work processes in diverse ways include Laboratorium (Obrist/Vanderlinden 2001), Bridge the Gap (Obrist/Akiko 2002), Art + Science Now (Wilson 2010) and Kunstforschung als ästhetische Wissenschaft (Tröndle/Warmers 2011), to name only a few. In the last few years, also under the heading ‘Artistic Research’, new modes of interaction and cooperation between art and science have been tested (see e.g. Bippus 2009; Rey/Schöbi 2009; Caduff et al. 2010; Borgdorff 2011 provides an overview; a historical perspective is provided by Böhme 2011). In addition to the further development of a research-based art practice, this has involved transferring different approaches from the domain of creativity and design research to scientific research (Michel 2007; Bühlmann/Wiedmer 2009; Mareis 2011).

Key questions associated with all of the aforementioned projects and publications are:  

How can artistic and scientific pursuits be combined successfully? 
What is the additional value of such a procedure? 
What difficulties does one thereby encounter?


for the full article

Monday, 7 November 2011

Call for Papers: Theory and Method of Interdisciplinarity.

Interdisciplinarity has in recent years become a critical aspect of academic papers in the Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as the Natural Sciences. By providing methods and theories that cross disciplinary boundaries, interdisciplinarity builds bridges between academic silos, creating new knowledge, theoretical discourse and praxis in the process.(Tress, Tress and Fry 2006) In academic discourse, interdisciplinarity typically applies to the realms of knowledge, research, education/pedagogy, and theory. (Nissani, 1995) We are creating an edited volume that critically engages theories, methods and praxis of interdisciplinary scholarship through the lens of these four realms.

We are accepting submissions for papers (7,000 to 12,000 words, or 45,000 to 75,000 characters with spaces) investigating recent advances in interdisciplinary theory, method and praxis that critically engages the interdisciplinary realms of knowledge, research, education/pedagogy and theory. We are especially interested in potential contributors from any field in the humanities or social sciences that brings together distinctive components of two or more disciplines presenting innovative interdisciplinary case studies, pedagogy, best practices and/or original critiques of interdisciplinarity. Submissions from the natural sciences may be accepted so long as theoretical, methodological or critical links are made with humanities and/or social sciences.

Texts accepted for publication will be published in a peer reviewed, collective and bilingual work (English/French) in the “Human Sciences Monograph Series” ( Papers may be submitted by email in either English or French to Dr. Christopher J. Duncanson-Hales ( The submission deadline is June 30th, 2012, with publication planned for 2013. This project is an initiative of Laurentian University’s International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Human Sciences (